motion design studio
visual movement.
I started in 1996 as digital image manipulator for (analogue) photographers.
The still image turned into a moving image sequence and editing, motion graphics and animation were added to the mix.
In 2002 Leon van Rooij, Erik-Jan Maalderink and myself formed LADDS - the organisation of imagination. We worked for clients like Interpolis, Oranjewoud, Agio, Philips, gemeente Tilburg, Haribo, Grontmij, but also created lots of independent art, VJ performances and videomapping-events.
Until 2011 we explored this world of digital motion & arts on many levels.
It was time to go our seperate ways. Since then i'm focussed more on capturing reality, but motion design and animation is always a big part of it.
Martin Kers
Featured Work
Eddy Becquart | reservatorio
Documentary commissioned by Fontys Dance Academy
After 30 years, dancer | choreographer | teacher | philosopher | visual artist and archeologist Eddy Becquart ends his teaching career at Fontys Dance Academy Tilburg.
This portrait film shows the many aspects
of this multitalented man.
duration: 30 minutes
created with: Eddy Becquart
production | camera | editing | sound: Martin Kers
thanks to: Dirk Dumon | Jan van Breughel | Pia Meuthen
Frank Nuyts | Ornella Pietro | Maureen Lomb
Herma Tuunter | Stella Vermeulen | Ulrika Kinn Svensson
Marcel Bijsterveld | theater de nieuwe Vorst
Panama Pictures | Jessica van Rueschen
Strijbosch & van Rijswijk
Documentary commissioned by Fontys Dance Academy
After 30 years, dancer | choreographer | teacher | philosopher | visual artist and archeologist Eddy Becquart ends his teaching career at Fontys Dance Academy Tilburg.
This portrait film shows the many aspects
of this multitalented man.
duration: 30 minutes
created with: Eddy Becquart
production | camera | editing | sound: Martin Kers
thanks to: Dirk Dumon | Jan van Breughel | Pia Meuthen
Frank Nuyts | Ornella Pietro | Maureen Lomb
Herma Tuunter | Stella Vermeulen | Ulrika Kinn Svensson
Marcel Bijsterveld | theater de nieuwe Vorst
Panama Pictures | Jessica van Rueschen
Strijbosch & van Rijswijk

Featured Work
Short film | the Soldier
There are stereotypes in each of us
What are we looking for? Authenticity...? Truth…?
And how do we get lost ...?
The Soldier struggles with the near future and is haunted by his past; the world is not predictable and he suffers... Nowadays a pilot carries out bombing missions during the daytime and sits with the family at the dining table in the evenings. Concepts of distance, danger and threat take on a completely different dimension.
The STEREOTYPES project consists of a cycle of six short (dance) films; Encounters with six different characters; the soldier, the wasted one, the suburban housewife, the terrorist, the refugee and the neurotic unofficial. They all have a story that seems familiar to us but is magnified and distorted in all of its stereotipical aspects. The Soldier is the first film in this series of six and is created by screen dance director / choreographer Kristel van Issum, filmmaker Martin Kers and the Flemish composer Han Stubbe (known from the Antwerp band DAAU). For this first episode the team worked with the American dancer Johnny Lloyd, who has been working as a performer with the Flemish company EASTMAN of Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui.
concept: Kristel van Issum | Martin Kerschoreography | screendance director: Kristel van Issum
film director: Martin Kers camera | editing | postproduction | animation: Martin Kers
music & soundtrack: Han Stubbe performed by | co-created with: Johnny Lloyd
production: Martin Kers | Kristel van Issum | DansBrabant
filmed at: Studio Het Dak | de Vrije Ruimte (Theaters Tilburg) and on location
thanks to:
DansBrabant Heleen Volman | Wim van Stam | MakersFonds Tilburg | Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds

Featured Work
#Catalog of Shadows |
#Catalog of Shadows I is a seven screen video-installation, part of the Stabat Mater project.
With choreographer Kristel van Issum, who for years led dance company T.r.a.s.h., i created #Catalog of Shadows, in which Ulrika Kinn Svensson examines seven female archetypes.
During the Boulevard festival it was presented in the Marienburg chapel in Den Bosch.
Han Stubbe (DAAU) composed the soundtrack for the 30 minute audio-visual installation.
With choreographer Kristel van Issum, who for years led dance company T.r.a.s.h., i created #Catalog of Shadows, in which Ulrika Kinn Svensson examines seven female archetypes.
During the Boulevard festival it was presented in the Marienburg chapel in Den Bosch.
Han Stubbe (DAAU) composed the soundtrack for the 30 minute audio-visual installation.
concept | direction | choreography | text: Kristel van Issumtext | performance: Ulrika Kinn Svensson
design: Kristel van Issum & Martin Kers
music composition & recording: Han Stubbe
video | animation: Martin Kers
costumes: Kristel van Issum & Ulrika Kinn Svensson
production: DansBrabant & Theaterfestival Boulevard
Special thanks to: Theaters Tilburg & Theater de Nieuwe Vorst, Pien Rutten, Klaas Erich
English spoken | 30 minutes
Featured Work
Collectif Malunés | forever, happily...
Are fairytales still fairytales if Little Red Riding Hood flirts with the Big Bad Wolf?
And if princesses kiss frogs, but are not interested in Prince Charming? In the humorous and intimate family show Forever, Happily... Collectif Malunés takes off with fairy tales. They overwhelm our imagination with their cheerful reality. Leaving the familiar fairytale form behind them, they go looking for a new framework. With spectacular acrobatics and absurd scenes, they conjure up a new and mysterious fairytale world in with nothing is what it seems. Really…
Forever, Happily... the film depicts the life and work of the truly mad circusperformers of Collectif Malunés, and their return to Tilburg, the city where it all started for them, only ten years ago...
The film was created by Sophie Tooten and Martin Kers, commissioned by Festival Circolo.
Directed by: Sophie Tooten & Martin Kers (MMXI)Artists: Simon Bruyninckx, Juliette Correa, Lola Devault-Sierra, Luke Horley, Gabriel Larès, Arne Sabbe, Nickolas Van Corven Music composition: Gabriel Larés & Joseph Vu Van
Musicians: Joseph Vu Van, Gabriel Lares, Gildas Le Garrec, Simon Laurent, Alexis Chauvelier, Heykel Bouden, Pierre Bayse, Nickolas Van Corven, Luke Horley
Camera: Martin Kers & Sophie Tooten
editing & postproduction: Martin Kers, production: Sophie Tooten
Thanks to: Festival Circolo Marc Eysink Smeets & Niki van Rooij, ACaPA academy of circus and performance art, Omroep Brabant